We took a trip to Chengdu, China earlier this year to visit our very good friend Kut and before we arrived we told her…”we are not here for anything else but the food ?!!!” We wanted to eat and taste everything and Kut made sure that’s what we would experience. On our very first night we had a noodle bowl ?and it was amazing??. We had all sorts of amazing food but Chengdu is known for it’s Hotpot, it’s literally hot and spicy at the same time and we knew that we had to bring this experience home with us. We made sure we made space for some hotpot stock when we came home.
Our trip to this amazing country inspired our very first pop up of this year. We wanted our friends and people around us to experience the amazing flavors.
We had the pleasure of collaborating with Grain Field Chicken and most of our dishes were chicken based, it was almost a breeze putting this menu together. Our main dish was definitely the hotpot with the chicken and the fun thing about it is, you get to cook your own food, which is great. We served a Chinese chicken noodle salad for starters and a Chinese wine pomegranate sangria. We had a flavored sticky rice, vegetable stir-fry and popcorn chicken as the sides. It was lovely and straight to the point.
As always, it’s always hard work putting the pop up dinner together, it really doesn’t get easier at all. We were lucky enough to host at a gorgeous boutique hotel in Pretoria called Birdwood Estate. With a lovely garden and views for our guest. The staff were so pleasant and they made the experience so much smoother for us, we are thankful.
We had amazing assistants who came to our rescue and helped with the order of the evening, our babies Kele, Ikanyeng, Pearl and Kamo, it was a great pleasure working with them.
And of course our friend Tebogo and her partner did our amazing artwork and ress_photography did the photography. We are very thankful for a strong girl team.
The 15th pop up!!! Can you believe that? Wow.
To many more… cheers ???
With love, The Twins xx