Cooking with Siba!!!
So you all know Siba Mtongana right? The beautiful South African celebrity chef who went super international? She’s absolutely amazing at what she does. Before hosting her cooking show, she was the food editor for Drum Magazine. We chose a role model in the industry and she was it, lol. We aspire to be like her one day and we are definitely well on our way. ️
She has this amazing cookbook out called “My Table” and it’s based on her food network cooking show and guess what???!!! One of us got to work on it 🙂 🙂 … yes, I did… (Tebo). 🙂 ok, I’ll finish the story ️
We met her at church on a random Sunday and obviously we were star struck
, Lebo saw her first and then she ran, grabbed my hand and took me to her, lol, she was sooooo lovely. Best day ever. Then we were like… “hmmmmm, so she goes to our church? Ok” then we started “looking out” for her at church, to see if we can spot her again … lol, we weren’t stalking her by the way
. We eventually tracked her down and saw her a couple of times after, so we got to know her a little bit. My sister and I went overseas a few months after that but before we left, we told her we were leaving soon and she gave us her contacts and then she was like … “can I pray for you guys?” And so she did
?, she told us we are set apart for a special purpose, like a stick of butter separated from the whole block, set apart for a special purpose. I will never forget that, ever!! Oh, and then she asked to take a pic with us
️ this is a true story
️. We kept in touch with her, which is pretty dope.
Fast forward to mid-Year, last year (2015)… I (Tebo) came back to the country first and went back to Cape Town, started interning at Drum magazine and a month later I got an opportunity to work with my inspiration!! And I took it!!! I was honored to work with her. The first month though, was more like a “get to know each other better” month ^__^. I got to meet and know her lovely family, we went out to all these incredible restaurants in Cape Town, told each other funny stories about each other, took lovely drives, laughed at each other. lt was the most amazing experience of my life. And then we started working on the cookbook, it was a lot of fun, a lot of work, a lot of grumpy, a lot of tears, a lot of hugs and kisses and obviously a lot of success. Her and her husband are just incredible and their execution of that cookbook ?? … incredible. Diane and Christophe too (the photographer and food stylist), I have no words, absolutely amazing!!! How blessed am I? To work with such incredible people! They are a very funny bunch and every single time we sat down for lunch, Diane and Christophe would say “born up a tree, under the sea” I find that funny, laughed every single time and that’s where we got our inspiration for our blog but that’s a story for another day
️. I’m definitely honored to have been part of that experience and it’s something I will never, ever take for granted. I’ll probably tell my grandkids about this one day :). I’m so glad this is part of my story
I love you so much Sisi Siba ️
#withlovefromthetwins ️